Sunday, January 23, 2011

Glue, tape, string. You use everything you can to make sure the pieces stick. To make sure that things stay together. You mend. You fix. You hold everything in place. You pretend there aren't any pieces missing when everything doesn't fit right. You cover the out of shape parts with the good ones, so that they can't be seen. You paint over the cracks and the holes and the tape. You pretend it's all hunky dory.

Or at least you try.


Sherry Italia said...

Just so that the world doesn't get a hint.

Kavya said...

I feel a shift in your writing...maybe 'shift' is too big a word...
but feel as though something's changed...

Ayesha said...

How so? In what way? Good? Bad?

Kavya said...

Ok, let's see if I can explain -

you (as in people in general) experiment with ideas, words, feelings when you write.
You write as an write what you feel, you write stories true and made-up...but no matter what it is you're writing, some bit of you shows through the words, sometimes blatently and you want it too, sometimes subtly and maybe unintentionally...
these last few posts of yours seem to be very you're writing something you feel very very deeply about without using anything to buffer the feelings and the person...
Good, i'd really pricks...

Ayesha said...

Hmm. That's an interesting take on it. My writing is an outlet yes. And almost everything is made up. What comes through unintentionally is unintentional :) :P

I'm glad it pricks. That's what every writer wants right? For the writing to affect the reader.